Welcome to the Natural Curiosity Project

I started the Natural Curiosity Project Podcast for one reason: to drive my listeners to be more curious. Why? Because I believe that curiosity is our sixth sense, and I also believe that we don’t use it anywhere near often enough. There are countless stories out there that need to be told, so I decided to tell them. Sometimes I do audio essays about a topic that I think my listeners will find interesting, but more often, I interview people who have a great story to tell. Want some examples? Sure. In one episode, I interviewed my best friend from high school, who is now a well-known actor. He explained how to read movie credits. What’s a best boy? Is there a worst boy? Is a gaffer’s job to jab actors with a long, pointed hook?

 I interviewed Dewitt Jones, a renowned former National Geographic photographer, who now travels the world with his extraordinary message to celebrate what’s right with the world, rather than wallow in what’s wrong with it. What great advice THAT is. I interviewed an elderly man I met in west Texas, Bud, whose hobby is tying messages to tumbleweeds, messages that ask whoever finds the note to send him an email telling him where it was found so that he can track how far the tumbleweed traveled (more than 40 miles in some cases). I’ve interviewed filmmakers, audio engineers, pilots, hikers on the Appalachian Trail, artists, scientists, authors, and more than a few wildlife sound recordists. The only thing that ties the episodes together? The only common theme? This is something you should be curious about, so pay attention!

The Natural Curiosity Project is available wherever you get your Podcasts, or at SoundCloud, at https://soundcloud.com/user-80982638. Have a listen. You can also point your mobile’s camera at the QR code shown below. It will take you to the program at Apple Podcasts. Thanks!

Podcast Episode Resources

Episode 212 Transcript

Episode 215 Transcript